greek-ish salad
- romaine lettuce
- English cucumber
- cherry tomatoes, halved
- feta cheese
- croutons
- shelled, roasted sunflower seeds
- Greek salad dressing
Into a large bowl, put the lettuce that has been cut into bite-sized pieces. Slice and halve cucumber. Halve cherry tomatoes. Add feta cheese, sunflower seeds and croutons. Mix well. Top with your favourite Greek Salad dressing.
Recipe Hints
- No measurements are given for this salad so you can make it to your own preference
- You can substitute regular tomatoes diced up, instead of cherry tomatoes
- You can add the more typical ingredients of red onion and olives if you prefer
"I call this Greek-ish Salad, because it doesn't have all the typical ingredients
that a Greek Salad has, plus it has the atypical ingredient of sunflower seeds."
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